Developers, Developers, Developers ;)
[Via: The JobSyntax Blog]
I came across an interesting blog entry (linked below) that discuss how to keep software developers / engineers (pick your preferred terminology) happy. …
Parsing an XML file from classic ASP
Part of an application I work on derives some of its configuration from the contents of a global.asa file, with configuration hard-coded. I've been looking at ways of separating the configuration out …
Development Abstraction Layer
The Development Abstraction Layer - Joel on Software
This really made me smile, particularly the quote "Management's primary responsibility to create the illusion that a software …
Hiring for Potential
Heather Leigh of Microsoft has an interesting few words to say regarding hiring for potential. Well, most of the article isn't directly about hiring for potential, but it's the bit that caught my eye. …
Do it, Delegate it or Dump it
Sure I've waffled about this before, but there's an article on titled "Win-Win Delegation" in which the most important (to my mind) point is "Delegate Authority with the Task". There' …
Done, done and done!
[] Done and DONE-done - The Magic of Completion Criteria
Another great article from stickminds, which shows the importance of defining requirements, in this instance …
"Insufficient System Resources Exist to Complete the API."
For a few weeks now my computer has been throwing up the message "Insufficient System Resources Exist to Complete the API." every now and then when I try to hibernate it. No rhyme, no reason, just a …