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A custom model binder for XML content that produces IEnumerable<T>'s
In a previous post (A custom model binder for XML content) I showed code for a custom MVC Model Binder that takes an XML filled string passed to an action and transforms it to an XDocument. The …
extJs: Combobox .getValue oddity - 2 (The "Solution")
Previously: extJs: Combobox .getValue oddity
Here's a quick-hacky solution (a better one would be to ensure your combobox's are selection-only):
Ext.override(Ext.form.ComboBox, { getValue: …
extJs: Combobox .getValue oddity
At least in extJs version 2.2.1 (the version baked into Coolite v0.8), the getValue function on the Ext.form.ComboBox appears to be thus:
function(){ if (this.valueField&&this.forceSelection) { …
extJS: VType for validating a time
I needed a VType for validating a time using the extJs framework in the format HH:MM (24 hour clock, no 'AM' or 'PM') and couldn't find one that quite fit the bill, so a tweaked version is:
Ext.form. …