Contents tagged with command line
Resetting your password via the command line
If, like me, you're working remotely at the moment you might be spending a non-trivial amount of time using Remote Desktop to hop on and off various machines. It might be that, also like me, you …
Changing a Git branch that's tracking a remote
Having done some work against a local branch that's associated with a remote for a certain piece of work I've decided I want to keep the work (it's given me some proof-of-concept ideas) but start …
Using the CommandLineParser NuGet package to handle your command line
From time to time I've needed to write small console apps that accept parameters via the command line. Luckily, parsing the command line is a solved problem and there are multiple libraries out …
Creating projects and solutions using the dotnet command
I've been digging into .NET Core a little bit more recently, with the intention of using it for an upcoming project at work (sssh, don't tell anyone - they don't know yet!) and part of that has …
Quick Tip: Running Visual Studio Code for the current directory
Lots of people probably already know this, but there are a couple of ways to open the current directory in an instance of Visual Studio Code. The obvious one is, if you've got a File Explorer window …