Contents tagged with powershell
Using PowerShell to start and stop Hyper-V virtual machines
I've been doing a bit of VM Host upgrading recently and being able to mainpulate VMs on said hosts via the command line makes things go a lot quicker! Here's two PowerShell commands I've executed …
Scheduled Task that runs a PowerShell script returning 0x80070001
I've recently migrated several scheduled tasks from one machine to another as part of a rationalisation process. A couple of these tasks were ones that can only be run at a certain time, so were …
Using the PSWindowsUpdate module to interrogate Windows Update
I've been looking at automating the patching of some servers that aren't domain joined, and one of the tools that I've spotted that may come in handy is the PSWindowsUpdate module. Once it's …
Getting the tail of a file in PowerShell (and dropping it into a GridView)
I've had need to wrangle a very long log file recently that gets appended to and doesn't have any log file splitting / cycling baked into it. Changing the logging process so that it generates a …
Counting the number of installed certificates via PowerShell
Bit of a random one, but should you ever need to count the number of certificates that are installed on a Windows Machine in the "Local Machine" store, here's a short PowerShell snippet that'll do …
Setting an O365 user to have no password expiry via PowerShell
If, like me, you're using Office 365 as your email solution you may have encountered the situation where you don't get emails landing from such things as blog comments because the password has …
The PowerShell Out-GridView cmdlet
There's a PowerShell cmdlet that I've seen before, but it's never quite lodged itself in my brain sufficiently for me to remember it and use it. It's Out-GridView and it's something that won't be of …
Link Dump
Quite how I end up with such an eclectic collection of open tabs, I'll never know, but this mixed bag may be of interest to someone else!
Dumping Git Data from Misconfigured Web Servers
This one's …
Backing up SVN to Azure Storage
Related posts:
Backing up SQL Server to Azure storage - doing it the long way round
Until such time as I finally get round to the item on my TO DO list that's all about replacing my on-prem SVN …
Backing up SQL Server to Azure storage - doing it the long way round
So, as I can't seem to get the baked-in way of backing up to Azure Blob Storage to play ball, I've decided to do it the long way round for now, which isn't the end of the world as it gives me an …