Contents tagged with visual studio 2017
How to fix NUnit tests that aren't showing in Visual Studio Test Explorer
Every now and then a project I'm working on decides it's either going to not show some or (more annoyingly!) all of the NUnit unit tests that are present.
The most recent project I've seen this …
Using Azure App Services to host a holding page for a site that's not available
In the first post of this series I put together a .NET Core application that uses Azure Storage (in table form) to keep records of "call me back" requests from customers, so that when the main site …
Using Azure to provide a holding page for a site that's not available
One of the fantastic things about Azure is how quickly you can spin up, and down, services as and when you need them. In a world where not everything's been migrated to the cloud yet this can be …
C# 7.1 - Async Main has been around a while now
C# 7.1 has been out in the wild for quite a while (since August 2017 according to Wikipedia!) yet I still see a lot of people on Stackoverflow asking questions where they're hitting the .Result …
Using the new Microsoft Library Manager to Bootstrap a project
The latest release of Visual Studio 2017 (15.8) comes with Microsoft Library Manager, or LibMan for short, there's also a CLI available and if you want to read about it from the horses mouth …