Contents tagged with angularjs
Don't slash your globs the wrong way!
I inherited a couple of AngularJS applications that are built using gulp scripts when I started in my current role. Putting to one side the swathes of repeated code both within the build scripts …
Double translating using the AngularJS angular-translate library
For those of us who're still working with applications using AngularJS 1.x (it's still in long-term support for nearly 2 years so plenty of time to plan a migration!), localising strings in the …
Using the AngularJS 'ng-required' attribute to make fields co-dependent
One of the bugs I had to fix recently was around ensuring that if Field X was populated, then Field Y became required. In the example I was working with this was all the more complicated due to …
Using Google Analytics to track page views in an AngularJS single page application
If you're using Google Analytics to track page visits across your application, getting this working in an AngularJS application is a little bit more complicated than simply dropping the GA …
Using Visual Studio Code, Node.js and gulp.js to create a web application - Moving files around
Before I do too much more, I want to setup my build script / project to allow me to (a) make sure that everything in the .dev folder is kept apart from the app folder and set myself up so that I …
How to debug an AngularJS app in Visual Studio Code with Chrome
I've been using Visual Studio Code quite a bit recently as a project I'm working on is written in AngularJS, with gulp based build scripts. As this is part of my first real foray into using tech that' …
AngularJS, HTML 5 Mode, IIS (Express) and hitting F5/Refresh - Setting up URL Rewrite via the IIS Manager UI
In my previous post, I covered the configuration changes that you need to make in your web.config file to get IIS to route requests for URIs that should be handled by your AngularJS application back …
AngularJS, HTML 5 Mode, IIS (Express) and hitting F5/Refresh
The company I joined in November (more about this another day!) has a product that was developed in AngularJS 1.x. Not Angular, AngularJS - one of these things is not like the other! This means …