Contents tagged with core
Feature flags in ASP.NET Core
I've been working on a few ASP.NET Core applications recently which has given me cause and opportunity to gate some functionality access behind feature flags whilst it's a work in progress, rather …
Adding a delay to ASP.NET Core Web API methods to simulate slow or erratic networks
I recently commented on a tweet by @jongalloway, saying:
A thousand times this! Run your app with an artificial delay introduced into server responses and look for things that don't make sense. …
Using Azure App Services to host a holding page for a site that's not available
In the first post of this series I put together a .NET Core application that uses Azure Storage (in table form) to keep records of "call me back" requests from customers, so that when the main site …
Using Azure to provide a holding page for a site that's not available
One of the fantastic things about Azure is how quickly you can spin up, and down, services as and when you need them. In a world where not everything's been migrated to the cloud yet this can be …
Adding a custom '.AddThisOrThat()' method to configure ASP.NET Core Identity in one
In my recent series of posts about ASP.NET Core Identity I made several customisations to Identity that are bespoke to the application I'm building. This does mean that the code for configuring …
Using IUserValidator to provide additional user validation rules in ASP.NET Core Identity
In my recent series of posts I extended the UserManager class from ASP.NET Core Identity (specifically its CreateAsync method) in order to confirm that the user was permitted to register and also …
Useful links around ASP.NET Core Identity
Whilst working on my recent series of posts about ASP.NET Core Identity there were quite a few pages I used to research either the topic in general, or issues I encountered. Here's a selection of …
The finishing touches to hooking into ASP.NET Core Identity user creation
In my previous posts I've setup ASP.NET Core Identity, tweaked the IDs (just because I can), extended the Identity so it stores extra data and started the process of pulling it all together by …
Extending the ASP.NET Core Identity UserManager to set the Employee Id during registration
In previous posts I looked at adding a custom property to the ASP.NET Core Identity user, along with reading and writing the property for a logged in user. The next logical step, assuming that the …
Reading and writing custom ASP.NET Core Identity user properties
Adding a custom property to users that're accessed via ASP.NET Core Identity is ultimately a fairly simple exercise; extend the IdentityUser type with a custom one, fix up all the places that refer …