Contents tagged with git
Changing a Git branch that's tracking a remote
Having done some work against a local branch that's associated with a remote for a certain piece of work I've decided I want to keep the work (it's given me some proof-of-concept ideas) but start …
Creating a branch from a revision with Git
A very short "memo to self" post to note down how to create a branch using the git command line, from a specific revision:
git checkout -b MyBranchName 22322e768c9956bb93a3701504250124c4d5bf53
This …
Link Dump
Quite how I end up with such an eclectic collection of open tabs, I'll never know, but this mixed bag may be of interest to someone else!
Dumping Git Data from Misconfigured Web Servers
This one's …
Link Dump
Image Carousel using Twitter Bootstrap and Orchard CMS Projections
This looks like it'll give me the solution I'm after to "beautify" the home page of my site slightly. At the moment it's a fairly …