Contents tagged with entity framework core
Resolving: Cannot find command 'dotnet ef' and then dotnet-ef.dll isn't in the right folder?
So in my post yesterday I noted that dotnet ef wasn't present anymore and following the instructions to install it gave me a broken installation of dotnet ef.
The hack I used of copying files …
Cannot find command 'dotnet ef' and then dotnet-ef.dll isn't in the right folder?
There I am, on a Saturday morning trying to create an Entity Framework Core structure for an existing database, and apparently there's no dotnet ef available to me.
After running dotnet tool …
Scaffolding an Entity Framework Core database in a project that targets .NETStandard
I've been working on a project recently for storing system configuration data (I know, I know, this is a problem that's been solved a thousand times over!) and after defining the database structure …
Reading and writing custom ASP.NET Core Identity user properties
Adding a custom property to users that're accessed via ASP.NET Core Identity is ultimately a fairly simple exercise; extend the IdentityUser type with a custom one, fix up all the places that refer …