Delusional Ramblings of an Angry Coder

Take a look at Mark: Ramblings from a programmer, if you dare. Whilst some of the points he makes are good, for example that Visual Studio doesn't inherently encourage programming best practice, i.e. the separation of presentation, business and data layers, a lot of his other posts are purely rants about the fact that VB6 and VFP (Visual Basic 6 and Visual FoxPro for those who tire of acronym soup!) are no longer being produced. Ironically, VB6 does little or nothing to encourage the separation of presentation, business and data layers, so any bleating about the "good old days" do fall on deaf ears somewhat.

Having taken a mooch through his blog, I came across a post surrounding designing custom controls. Or at least, his opinions regarding VS's shortcomings. I thought it'd be worthwhile to go through each point in turn and analyse/debunk them:
  1. Sub-classing a control doesn't cause the new control to inherit any design-time attributes, specifically Toolbox icon.
  2. Altering a property in the child class causes the property value to show in bold in the property page for the control when it's placed on a form. Oh, and the fact that changing the value of a property in the class thusly doesn't propogate through to any derived application.
So, in response;
  1. Why's this a bad thing? This might just be down to a matter of opinion, but surely the name, icon and other odds and ends should be down to the developer. How about if you inherit from System.Windows.Forms.Control,... what icon should be used then? Or one of the abstract base clases like S.W.F.ListControl?
    As a Control developer, get off your arse and choose an icon, rather than expecting Visual Studio to do everything for you.
  2. Altering a property in a way that causes the property value to show in bold means that you've done it the wrong way. The author even goes as far as mentioning the System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute and then whines that using this is a "work around" to a "bug" in Visual Studio.
    Consider for a moment if the Visual Studio designer determined what the default property value was based on the return value for the property get routine, this routine could go off and query the Registry / contact a web service / choose the Nth font installed based on the number of elapsed seconds in this specific minute, in short - the return value could be entirely nondeterministic and even long running. By decorating the property with an Attribute, any Designer tool can determine immediately and deterministically what the default value for the property is. This also results in NO code being generated within the application using the control and thus any change to the default value being propogated upon recompilation of the Control.
I'm not taking this as an excuse to bash a Microsoft basher, don't get me wrong, Visual Studio bugs the crap out of me at times too, but someone with such a deep and broad level of experience should really at least make sure they understand what they're talking about, and more importantly, how to use the tools at their disposal, before they chuck an "it's all crap because it's not VFP/VB6" bitch-fest.

Property Attribute Example
Just to highlight why the attribute based default value for a property is better, consider the following code:

public class ControlWithProperties : Control
    private Font _font;

    [DefaultValue("Segoe UI")]
    public override Font Font
        get { return _font; }
        set { _font = value; }

    public Font OtherFont
            if (_font == null)
                if (DateTime.Now.Second < 30)
                    _font = new Font("Century Gothic", 20);
                    _font = new Font("Comic Sans MS", 20);
            return _font;
            _font = value;

With the first example property, any Visual Designer (or indeed parser, decompiler, etc) can immediately determine what value to show in a property grid, but with the second (albeit contrived) example, all bets are off. For describing the attributes of something, attributes are definately the way to go.

About Rob

I've been interested in computing since the day my Dad purchased his first business PC (an Amstrad PC 1640 for anyone interested) which introduced me to MS-DOS batch programming and BASIC.

My skillset has matured somewhat since then, which you'll probably see from the posts here. You can read a bit more about me on the about page of the site, or check out some of the other posts on my areas of interest.

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