Contents tagged with javascript
Using Visual Studio Code, Node.js and gulp.js to create a web application - Serving content
Once we've got the basics of the project setup, npm is working, gulp is installed and ready to go, next up is actually creating a starting gulp script and adding enough to it go get it to serve up …
How to debug an AngularJS app in Visual Studio Code with Chrome
I've been using Visual Studio Code quite a bit recently as a project I'm working on is written in AngularJS, with gulp based build scripts. As this is part of my first real foray into using tech that' …
How to debug gulp tasks in Visual Studio Code - Gulp 4
I recently read an article about debugging gulp tasks in Visual Studio Code, which seemed like mana from heaven for me as I'm now working with nant, npm, gulp scripts, AngularJS and all the …
Gulp, Node.js and "require.extensions.hasOwnProperty is not a function"
I've been working through getting an older version of an AngularJS project to run locally and encountered the following error:
D:\Git\MyApp>gulp dev
D:\Git\MyApp\node_modules\require-dir\index.js:93 …
Bootstrapping a carousel onto my homepage
I've been very (very) aware that the homepage of my site is very text heavy, consisting of a list of the most recent blog posts from techy me and cooking me. Over the past couple of weeks I've poked …
There's more to console than .log
A tweet I saw reminded me that the Javascript Console object has more to it than just "log"
Protip: there are many siblings to console.log(), like .group(), .error(), .assert() formatting and much …
Using postMessage to implement an inter-frame API
One of the products I work on allows users to host individual web pages inside frames within it. Whilst working on a proof-of-concept a while ago, I stumbled acros the postMessage method which …
extJs: Combobox .getValue oddity - 2 (The "Solution")
Previously: extJs: Combobox .getValue oddity
Here's a quick-hacky solution (a better one would be to ensure your combobox's are selection-only):
Ext.override(Ext.form.ComboBox, { getValue: …
extJs: Combobox .getValue oddity
At least in extJs version 2.2.1 (the version baked into Coolite v0.8), the getValue function on the Ext.form.ComboBox appears to be thus:
function(){ if (this.valueField&&this.forceSelection) { …
Javascript Intellisense, finally!
It looks like Visual Studio 200n (aka: Orcas) is finally going to have rich Javascript intellisense, hurrah!
Javascript Intellisense in Visual Studio "Orcas"
The format for Javascript doc …